
Top Web Application Security Tools to Secure Your System


Security is a constantly evolving problem, with multiple high-profile breaches occurring daily. There is a compelling reason why new firms prioritize security concerns and why so many developers are wary of global network security.

The FBI, the CIA, even country conflicts themselves are testaments to the extent to which hacking occurs on a global scale. However, it is not only large networks that require protection; your applications and websites must also be secured and safeguarded against illegal access. Due to the vastness of the web, it’s difficult to keep track of everything that occurs within your app and on your servers.

Indeed, it is these incredible businesses that are here to assist you with your security problems. The number of platforms that have developed from nothing in recent years is mind-boggling but also flattering. That is because, at one stage during the web’s development, security was a rather unimportant topic; nobody was particularly concerned about it.

Table of Content:

  • Introduction

  • Top 11 Web Application Security Testing Tools

  • Summary


Your goal is to ensure that your users have many layers of protection. Thus, in the improbable event of a security compromise, the data is toughened and protected to the full extent of modern software’s capabilities.

Not to mention, having software testing tools in place to monitor your logs and other system-related events for signs of an attack can reveal some alarming information. However, the sooner you get ahead of the hackers, the more enjoyable your experience as an application developer for the digital world will be.

The following are 11 web security technologies that you can use to detect unwanted system intrusions.

Top 11 Web Application Security Testing Tools

1. VAddy

For developers, the process of developing an application is quite difficult. Without intending to, anyone can readily overlook weaknesses. Even well-known websites such as Google, Instagram, and Facebook face vulnerabilities on a daily basis. Vulnerabilities exist, frequently in such subtle ways that we are unaware of them until someone points them out. And that is essentially what the VAddy platform aims to accomplish.

These security specialists are developing a tool that will assess your codebase for potential vulnerabilities before deploying new features in the production environment. VAddy will automatically scan all new code revisions you make. Then, it will provide you with a reasonable warning if a potential vulnerability exists somewhere.

You will no longer be required to scan your code manually. However, the platform extends beyond the fundamentals; the codebase may be seen through statistics on the total number of vulnerabilities. Additionally, you can determine which developers contributed the most code to the project. Not to belittle anyone, but information like this is quite beneficial in determining how your team works together.

2. Let’s Encrypt

HTTPS and SSL are now regularly discussed and heavily pushed by even the most venerable companies such as Google. Not only are secure websites rewarded with higher indexing and search result rankings on Google, but your platform’s customers will also be grateful to you for being concerned about security and implementing the necessary safeguards to keep data safe and secure.

Let’s Encrypt was founded out of a desire to secure the worldwide web through secure SSL connections; what better way to accomplish this than by distributing free SSL certifications to everyone in need. Mozilla, Facebook, and Shopify are among the project’s primary backers. You may rest assured that your website will be protected by the most robust layers of security available.

Let’s Encrypt is completely free and fully automated. That means you can install it once and forget about it; subsequent security updates will automatically modify it to keep your site secure regardless of the conditions. Following such high-profile attacks on the web in recent years, it is critical for developers and website owners to take the necessary precautions to make their websites safe and secure for everyone.

3. Probely

Probely is a security solution designed for developers, teams, and SaaS enterprises. This robust alternative is brimming with incredible features that will keep you in complete control. Probely enables you in identifying and resolving difficulties, ensuring that everything returns to normal as quickly as possible. You’ll never have to worry about what’s going on with your project again; Probely will handle the scanning and reporting for you.

Probely is a versatile tool that may be used to do a variety of various tasks. Of course, you can begin completely free of charge to get a feel for how things work. Additionally, there are three premium options available for small and large businesses. Scheduled scans, blacklisting, cookie personalization, third-party app connections, and quick, one-minute scans are just a few of the features. Maintain a high level of security at all times with Probely and be safe rather than sorry.

4. Intruder

One thing is certain: you do not want intruders on your application or other projects. That is something you can easily take care of with the help of Intruder, a security tool. Rather than doing everything manually, automate it with Intruder. In short, delegate heavy lifting to the machine, leaving you free to focus on making improvements and executing your project flawlessly. Intruder enables you to identify weak points in your network before hackers do.

Intruder is here to scan your system for a variety of vulnerabilities, including configuration and encryption flaws, missing patches, application faults, and CMS concerns. There are a whopping nine thousand potential security checks. Save time and ensure that your application runs smoothly.  Everyone is welcome to use Intruder to its full potential, whether they are developers, small businesses, or enterprises.

5. SiteGuarding

SiteGuarding is a highly configurable security solution for both applications and websites. Whether it’s a small blog or a complex custom website, or even an eCommerce platform, SiteGuarding manages them all effortlessly. SiteGuarding is your project’s personal security, monitoring it 24 hours a day and resolving any bugs or difficulties that may arise. With live reports, you can instantly observe what is happening and take appropriate action. Even if your website has been blacklisted, SiteGuarding can assist you.

SiteGuarding’s services include website antivirus, malware eradication, secure online hosting, core CMS file cleaning, and backups, to mention a few. Indeed, you may begin with the fourteen-day free trial, evaluate the features, and then decide whether or not SiteGuarding is a good fit. Nonetheless, SiteGuarding is quite reasonable, with four distinct pricing options to ensure that everyone finds the right fit for their project.

6. Sucuri

When you initially start a website or blog, you may not consider security. However, the sooner you begin, the better off you and your project will be. Unfortunately, practically everyone is subject to hacks and attacks at some point. That is simply the way things are in the online world. Fortunately, with the correct website security technologies, you can swiftly resolve issues, confident that everyone will be alright.

Sucuri is an excellent alternative. It assists you in resolving issues and safeguarding your project from future attacks. Sucuri includes monitoring, protection, performance optimization, SSL support, SIEM integration, and a slew of additional features. While not all plans include everything, even the most basic option is an excellent starting point. Sucuri is doing an exceptional job, cleaning over 700 entire websites daily. Never experience another incident.

7. Qualys SSL Labs

The Heartbleed problem put the patience and resolve of the public developer community that relies on Open source SSL for security layers to the test. It was one of the most high-profile vulnerabilities of the last decade, exposing millions of websites and servers to major attacks that may have resulted in severe damage to corporations and other for-profit activities on the web.

The SSL Server Test is an excellent complement to the several SSL services previously discussed (and a few more still to come). With the SSL Server Test, you can rapidly determine what SSL vulnerabilities exist on your website and what measures you need to take to strengthen the layer’s security. All analyses are rated and include recommendations for resolving any potential vulnerabilities in your website’s SSL layer.

8. Qualys

When it comes to the security of open source web applications or testing the web, OWASP is a household name. The OWASP top project has aided in protecting millions of websites and educated millions of developers and webmasters on succinct security practices and techniques that must be implemented to ensure digital security. These are the loopholes to keep in mind while working on software development.

The Qualys audit tool will perform a security audit of your web applications using the OWASP-recommended security checklist. Then, it will provide you with simple information on your current level of security and how to address any potential risks. It’s not harmful to run your project through this vulnerability scanner on a regular basis to ensure that you’re staying on top of all modern breaches, many of which continue to grow in scope on a daily basis.

9. OneLogin

Enterprise enterprises face greater risks than anyone else. Enterprise means that a significant amount of data is being moved across the cloud and server architecture. It is easier for hackers to target large organizations and capture all their data in one go than it is to target smaller ones and work their way through small bits of data to obtain the desired outcome.

OneLogin is the secure identity management and testing tool that you may configure to generate secure passwords for any of the web-based platforms you’re accustomed to using. It works best to cure all your security vulnerabilities. OneLogin authenticates your identity and provides you with a one-time login password that you may use to access critical apps and websites for your business. With over 4,000 pre-integrated applications, OneLogin makes it simple to establish single sign-on and user provisioning for enterprise applications. On a daily basis, OneLogin maintains and adds new integrations.

10. Report URI

Report-URI is a dynamic, open web application security tool that focuses on the security of external and third-party resources that are integrated into your apps’ and websites’ workflows. For example, the CSP security feature enables you to create a list of external sources that you have allowed for external loading. At the same time, resources that are not included on that list will be denied.

This assists in preventing typical assaults such as cross-site scripting or XSS. The HPKP module, in turn, safeguards your apps from resources with compromised certificates. These are two additional levels of security that you can add to your applications and are worth experimenting with to understand better how they can assist maintain your applications secure and healthy.

11. Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP)

ZAP, or Zed Attack Proxy, is an open-source web application testing tool developed by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). It is used to address a variety of various concerns related to website vulnerabilities.

Due to its straightforward Zed Attack Proxy, GUI, both novices and experts can use this website security testing application. It can be used as a scanner and as a proxy while manually testing a web page. Among the issues it exposes are SQL injection, private IP exposure, the Cookie not being set to HttpOnly, the absence of anti-CSRF tokens and security headers, and the use of the Session ID in URL rewrite.

Summing it up

At some point in the past, websites, groups, and software were all susceptible to hacking. User data was being transported to the underground market and sold to the appropriate buyers. Although this does not mean that this is not occurring throughout the world, it very likely is, albeit with greater secrecy. What counts is the total level of security that you provide to your users during any part of the software, app, or website development process.

Therefore, security testing is used to identify unauthorized users and secure data within an information system. Conscious and thorough security testing can assist ensure that data is secure and unavailable to dangerous viruses and threats.

One Response
  1. Jagath K U November 15, 2021 / Reply

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