
Mobile App Testing Tools: Which One To Pick For Android And IOS

Mobile app testing runs numerous tests on mobile applications to determine their performance, functionality, stability, usability, and consistency. Testing helps developers find and fix bugs and errors, resulting in a stable app launch. They test manually or with the aid of automation tools or software.

There are three major types of mobile app testing:

  • Performance Testing – Performance Testing assesses the app’s performance under specific conditions, such as a low battery, low network coverage, etc.
  • Usability Testing – Usability Testing ensures the effectiveness and efficiency of the application to work in a cross-platform environment.
  • Functional Testing – Functional Testing ensures the app functionalities perform as per the customer’s requirements.

Importance and Merits of Mobile App Testing

Mobile applications assist companies and firms conducted business. Mobile apps are being built with enough compatibility to support different Android and IOS versions and various device types. It creates a crucial need for mobile app testing with reduced errors, faster performance, and enhanced stability and security.


  • Ensures proper functioning of the mobile application.
  • Enhances customer loyalty.
  • Decreases app development costs and increases higher profits and returns.
  • Speculates user experience.
  • Quick app deployment.

Factors to Consider while Picking a Mobile App Testing Tool

Choosing an efficient mobile app testing tool has become very important today. And with tons of available tools, finding just the perfect one to satisfy the needs might take time and effort.

Here are some criteria for choosing the best suitable mobile app testing tool:

  • Supplied codeless options to build and run test cases: This factor is specifically beneficial for developers with no or fewer programming skills. Creating tests is relatively simple and fast, with less redundancy and increased execution time.
  • Supports multiple programming languages: Mobile applications can be developed using many programming languages depending on client requirements, features, cost, etc. Therefore, choosing a testing tool capable of writing test cases to support all programming languages is highly recommended.
  • Record & Play options: A mobile testing tool’s record & play feature can make testing seamless and efficient, as it can automate each test scenario action.

Best Mobile App Testing Tools for Android and IOS 2023

Various modern tools are available today to automate the mobile testing strategy. Various affordable and reliable mobile app testing tools can be availed for applying mobile app testing practices.

Here is a list of some of the best handpicked mobile app testing tools, along with their features to assist with the mobile app testing strategies:

Mobile App Testing Tool  Features  Pros  Cons 
  • Open-source tool supporting native, mobile, web and hybrid mobile apps.
  • It is a cross-platform automation tool supporting end-to-end testing in multiple languages.
  • It provides the record & play feature for the testers to record and playback tests.
  • Source code access is not required with this testing tool.
  • Offers more large-scale support over the Internet.
  • Cross-platform script development is possible with this tool.
  • It does not provide script recording for a desktop application server for IOS.
  • The UI is complex, and this tool requires frequent modification and updates.
  • This open-source testing tool is embedded with Android Studio to run tests for Android native applications.
  • It provides the record & play feature for the testers to record and playback tests.
  • Developers can capture snapshots to verify the behavior of UI elements.
  • It enables automatic syncing of apps and tests, hence providing flexibility.
  • It accounts for black-box and individual component unit testing.
  • It offers a fairly simple setup and synchronized test executions.


  • Novice testers find it difficult to use this testing tool.
  • It supports only Android mobile applications.
  • An automation tool serving multiple purposes having a low-code interface and wizards.
  • It provides the record & plays feature for the testers to record and playback tests.
  • It supports remote testing, cross-platform testing, and data-driven testing as well.
  • It provides the record & plays feature for the testers to record and playback tests.
  • It offers a user-friendly UI and codeless test case creation.
  • This tool comes with an incredible customer support feature.
  • This is not an open-source tool but requires a paid license.
  • Needs mobile devices to be connected via USB or Wi-Fi to execute tests.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, mobile app testing tools help with the automation testing of Android and iOS Apps. Therefore, these testing tools and strategies can help reduce the required testing time and the chances of human errors during execution. The above-listed testing tools can improve application performance to experience better usability.

ImpactQA provides the best mobile app testing services for global businesses. Contact our team of expert testers to discuss your project requirements.


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