
Pre-Launch and Post-Launch App Development Pitfalls

There can be hardly any argument that the massive competition in the app market requires a lot of additional marketing efforts before and after the app release. For years, app makers no longer wait for the app to be released to reach out to their target audience. They do it well in advance and often when the app is still developing.

As soon as the app is launched, app developers have another round of responsibilities to keep users engaged and help the app audience grow. These post-launch activities are equally important for shaping the audience and guiding the app’s journey to success. After all, app development is a continuous journey that never stops with the app release.

What are the most important pre-launch and post-launch pitfalls that deter the success of most app projects in the market, and how to avoid them? Let’s explain them one by one.

Pre-Launch Pitfalls to Avoid

The launch is the most important event for any app project. Every app wishes to make the launch bigger by creating enough buzz, fan-following, and marketing measures. This requires following some tried and tested measures and avoiding some pre-launch pitfalls. Let’s explain these pitfalls one by one.


Beta testing refers to the development phase in which an unfinished app product is released partially for selected users to use the app and give their inputs. This is done to incorporate the feedback from the real users in the development process.

But beta releases can also prove to be disadvantageous if you release the beta version for a larger audience instead of releasing it for a selective audience. Just because it is a beta version and not fully ready for release, the fault lines of the app like frequent crashes, poor design, non-responsive elements, and many others can make a wrong permanent impression on the audience.

Under-Optimized ASO

App Store Optimization (ASO) is a key measure to make your app discoverable in the App Store and Play Store. The success of any app project depends, among other factors, on ASO.

But many app projects follow some statutory steps to fulfill ASO requirements, such as meta description. Such under-optimized ASO is likely to cost several downloads for any app project.

Failing to Run Pre-launch Campaigns

Though getting your app released may seem to be the most important and immediate task, you need to plan the marketing activities early and well before the app is launched. Now, when you are late in running your pre-launch marketing campaign, it puts you at a disadvantage regarding the competition.

If you want to create enough buzz and a following when the app is launched, you need to run a rigorous pre-launch marketing campaign. The pre-launch campaign should explain the unique value propositions of your app and reach out to the target audience with a well-orchestrated marketing campaign.

Inadequate Planning for the App Release

Another major mistake is not to plan the app release date well in advance. The launch of the app is the biggest event in your app’s journey, and hence it requires meticulous and prior planning for launch. An unplanned release date ultimately can take away your advantage of releasing early and getting the competitive lead.

An unplanned release will also prevent you from utilizing all your marketing acumen and activities to make the app launch big. Creating buzz and anticipation around the app project becomes easier when you have figured out the app launch date well. By planning the app launch date, you can quickly market your app across multiple channels and mediums with ease.

Post-Launch Pitfalls to Avoid

If you think that you only need to count the days to see your app is being used by millions generating a huge revenue stream after releasing the app, you still do not have any idea about how the app business works. Many development companies consider that the real competition for an app to become successful starts after the app is launched.

So, post-launch activities are equally important to make an app successful. It would help if you also stayed away from certain mistakes and shortcomings common during the post-launch period of an app project.

Not Caring about Bug Fixing after App Launch

Even the strictest QA testing processes can fail to detect and drop certain coding errors and bugs. This is why apps are frequently subjected to bug testing and bug fixing after the launch. If you don’t have a provision for bug fixing in the post-launch period, you need to consider it a terrible mistake.

Improper Customer Support

Every business grows because of generating customer satisfaction by solving the issues they face, and this is no different in the case of app businesses. The app must have a feedback loop to comprehensively view all customer issues and provide customer support accordingly.

Not Attending User Reviews

The user reviews of an app allow access to direct feedback about the app covering both the positive aspects and shortcomings. Reading these user reviews across platforms and a positive understanding of the issues faced by users can help you release updates with the required changes. It would help if you also looked for the brownie points made in favor of your app to understand how you can further make the app better by incorporating more value additions.

Infrequent App Updates

This is probably the biggest post-launch pitfall for any app project. When an app is not updated for a long time or very infrequently, it fails to evolve with market trends and demands. Infrequent app updates also mean not addressing the security issues and performance glitches.

Too Much Push Notifications

Sending too many push notifications ultimately will ruin the benefits of keeping customers informed and engaging them with the marketing messages. Too many notifications are perceived as spam, and users can opt out of receiving notifications altogether.

Lack of Promotional Rewards

One of the key ways to keep users engaged after the app is launched is to offer lucrative promotional rewards. Many apps have successfully employed this gamification measure to generate interest, user engagement, and resulting revenues. It’s a mistake to undermine this measure.

Summing It Up

Maybe, there are still some pitfalls that we could not cover in this post. At least after reading this post, you agree on being meticulous and considerate about every minute detail of an app project both in the per-launch and post-launch period. Nothing can be taken for granted in a severely competitive app world anymore.


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