
Top 10 Demanding Technical Skills in 2020

To become successful, each one of us should learn new skills – not just once, but throughout our whole career.” – Melinda Gates“

With the rapid advancements in technology, new roads are opening for new opportunities. But with the opportunities emerging technology throws new challenges at you and it becomes mandatory for you to catch up the new trends and skills, so you don’t leave behind from your competitors.

This article jot down the top 10 in-demand technical skills in 2020 you must have for landing the perfect IT job.

1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be quite confusing for some people, but there is a difference between the two. Artificial Intelligence is a broader concept which is related to the machines that are designed to act intelligently like humans.

Machine Learning is a part of Artificial Intelligence. It is related to how computers use data to efficiently execute any task. This can be the most profitable skill to learn.

Salary: The average salary for AI is around $100,000 to $150,000 and for Machine Learning is $143000.

2. Development (Web, Mobile, Software)

The developers are responsible for a variety of functions like designing, installing applications for web, mobile and software. To stay updated, companies need smart developers to build websites and apps to engage users.

Today, everyone wants to make a strong online presence to reach out to a large audience. So, these developers are in high demand. They require knowledge of the World Wide Web, programming languages, and graphic designing.

Salary: The developers get an average salary of 1 to 3 lakhs annually.

3. SEO/SEM Marketing

Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Marketing skills can be a great fit for you if you are data-minded. It needs experimenting with various tactics and test which can work to excel your business.

You can learn these skills online with the best Digital Marketing Institutes and get yourself certified with Google AdWords which can be a great plus to get a high package job.

Salary: The initial salary of SEO &SEM professionals in 2 lakhs per annum. With 3-5 year’s experience, it can go high up to 10 lakhs per annum.

4. Cyber Security Professionals

The companies which deal with the sensitive user information, for them, keeping the data secure is highly important.

There are various incidents of Cybersecurity disasters of top companies like Sony, LinkedIn and others in the past, which calls for a need for cyber security skills for the network security of the companies.

This skill is in high demand as there is currently a huge gap in the market. If you learn this skill, there are high chances of you getting a good paying job.

Salary: The average salary of a Cybersecurity professional is nearly 94000 per year.

5. Cloud Computing/AWS

There is a rise of cloud computing skills in the current job market as the companies are now switching from the server infrastructure to the cloud computing solutions.

Cloud engineers or professionals usually manage and build cloud operations for the feasibility of the company. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is currently the top cloud services provider. An AWS Specialist should learn the core concepts of IaaS and PaaS certification.

Salary: The average salary is nearly $146,350.

6. Blockchain Developers

With the emerging growth of blockchain technology, there is a rise in demand for blockchain developer skills.

The skills required include networking, database design, knowledge of programming languages like Java, C++, Python, Solidity etc.

The companies are looking for the people with the master in inter-operability, understanding blockchain security and architecture patterns.

Salary: The median salary of Blockchain developer is between $150,000 and $175000.

7. Internet of Things (IoT)

Internet of Things (IoT) is related to everything that is connected to the internet. With everything that is connected, there are high chances of getting hacked, so, security is a primary concern for these devices.

The skills required of IoT include Business Intelligence, Data security, Knowledge of IoT hardware and networks, embedded chips etc. IoT is going to be the boom in the upcoming tech market.

Salary: The average salary of IoT developers is between $59 849 – $123,163.

8. Data Science & Analytics

The top career in Bid Data stream is of Data Science and Analytics. Data science refers to the skills of obtaining data using various tools, algorithms. There is a high demand for data scientists in industries like banking, healthcare, and finance.

It is estimated that by 2020, there will be 2.7 million job openings for data scientists and analysts.

Salary: The median salary of a data scientist is $92000 and data analyst is $59000.

9. Web Content Management

Content management involves the creation, publishing of online content and everything related to content.

Content writers and web creators should possess the skills of content management tools like WordPress and Drupal. They should be aware of the analytical tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush.

WordPress and other CMS platforms offer amazing templates, themes, and plugins to make your content attractive.

Salary: Content Manager earns an average salary of 3 to 10 lakhs per annum (with 0-5 year’s experience).

10. Graphics Designing

The job of Graphic designers ranges from creating a basic poster to the UI/UX designed apps. With the increasing online website, the demand for graphic designers is also increasing.

The most important tools and skills requires of graphic designing is the knowledge of Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator etc.  They should also possess the knowledge of page layouts, color, and image editing.

Salary: The average salary of graphic designers is 3-6 lakhs per annum with 0-5 years of experience.

Each of the mentioned skills will set a definite tech career for you. Choose the skill which is best suited for you and give your career a new shape.

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