
Learning App Development – How To Build An App Like Memrise

Memrise is a London-based language-learning app that helps its users enhance their vocabulary and learn new languages. The content for the platform is created by Memrise community members and the office staff of the company. Through its engaging content and flexibility in learning methods, Memrise currently enjoys an active user base of more than 35 million. 

Online language learning is gaining momentum and the market is positive about new entrants with innovative solutions. In this article, we take you through the step-by-step process of building a language-learning app like Memrise:

Why Is Memrise So Successful?

Memrise has revolutionized the game when it comes to language learning by centering its platform around quick video tutorials and user-generated courses. Brief video lessons with context and continuous support from native speakers assist users in the learning process. Additionally, learners have access to a variety of learning materials in the form of flashcards, grammar explanations, exercises, and so on. 

Overall, Memrise has a lot of positive aspects that make it user-friendly. These can be listed as

  • Pro plans are reasonably priced
  • Effective frameworks for vocabulary retention
  • The length of courses is customizable
  • Effective scrutiny of content
  • Focus on expert community building

Memrise Business Model Canvas

The business model canvas of Memrise explains its key partners, resources, process, channels, and customer segments. To identify important factors that drive growth and revenue for Memrise, you can check the business model canvas for memrise below:

Memrise – Payment Plans 

The company’s services are based on a freemium model, where a free version lets you learn any language. And the paid subscription provides users with some extra features such as a Grammar bot, Prochats, challenging words, speed review, listening skills, and learning stats. The subscription plans start from $8.49 per month, $59.99 per year, and $119.99 for the lifetime. 

Why Should you Start a Language Learning Mobile Application Like Memrise?

No geographical Limitations

A language-learning app enables your target audiences to study any of their preferred languages from any part of the world. 

Enables Users To Track their Progress

Users can routinely check their learning progress, allowing them to keep track of the learning material covered. Subsequent to the learning, users can attempt exercises and see results.

More Learning In Less Time

Contrary to traditional learning through admission in institutes, online language learning apps allow learners to learn at their own pace. In other words, a learner can complete a month-long course in 2-3 weeks by spending a few extra hours depending upon the length of the course. 

What are the Features To Have in a Language Learning App Like Memrise?

Memrise offers plenty of features to its users to help them with quality learning material. To build a mobile app like Memrise, it is important to have features that equally benefit learners and instructors on your platform. Below listed are some robust features that you can include in your language learning application:

  • Both Audio and Video Lessons

Rather than publishing the content in the form of blogs or readable lessons, lessons in the form of audio and videos can be more helpful to the learners as it offers correct pronunciation of words. Additionally, learning material in the form of audio and video can be easily accessed from anywhere during leisure time. 

  • To-Do List For Learners

Every student on the app starts learning any language with goals to accomplish within a timeline. So a feature for students to create a to-do list that remains with them every time they miss a lecture could be a good thing to count on.

  • Diverse Options For Learning

The main purpose of a language learning app should be to impart learning in multiple languages on a single platform. So, as a language learning application owner, you should strive to add the maximum number of languages for your readers. This helps in expanding your target audience and business operations as well.

  • Offline Availability Of the Lessons

Memrise offers its learners offline learning materials so that low or no connectivity doesn’t slow the learning progress. Similarly, you too can offer downloadable content to users for a seamless learning experience.

  • Stage-Wise Learning

Learners that sign-up on your language learning mobile application can have different levels of knowledge and everyone can’t start with the same learning content. So, it becomes imperative for your language learning application to create tests to assess the current knowledge levels of students and then suggest the lessons accordingly.

How To Build An App Like Memrise?

Gaining Industry Insights

Though online language learning is in demand as a whole, it constitutes multiple methods of teaching. You can start with in-depth market research to identify the preferences of your target audiences and then conceptualize your business idea. This will help you in narrowing down your prospects and delivering services that help you in meeting user expectations. Further, you can gather information about competitors, assess their USPs and decide the features to incorporate in your language learning application.  

Streamlining the Features For The Application

You can move on with adding actual content once you have a thorough understanding of all the structural components of your prospective app. Invite native speakers and expert teachers or tutors to produce top-notch study materials if you want to develop an app similar to Memrise. Since the offered content will be the most valuable component of your program, try to take this step seriously.

Developing The Application

You can either develop a language-learning mobile app on your own or hire a mobile app development company that helps you with the technical part. Rather than building a fully-functional mobile app for your idea, you can go for a minimum viable product (MVP) too. MVP is basically a pre-version of your final product with just enough features to test the viability of the business idea.

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Language Learning App Like Memrise?

The cost of developing a language learning app depends on a number of factors: the type of tech stack, functionality and features used. Apart from that, the app development cost greatly varies on the geographical location and the availability of resources. Below we have listed the region wise, hourly app development rates. 

Region Wise Hourly Rates

  • North America: $150 per hour
  • UK: $100 – $120 per hour
  • South America: $120-$140 per hour
  • Australia: $110 -$120 per hour
  • Europe: $100 – $130 per hour
  • South-East Asia: $60 – $100 per hour

Another thing to consider is the time needed to develop a fully functioning language learning app. Below we have mentioned the time needed to develop an app based on its complexity. 

Moderate Time Needs (As per Complexity) 

  • A language learning app with simple functionality will take 500-800 hours approximately.
  • An app with medium complexity will take approximately 800-1200 development hours.  
  • A complex app with a lot of customization will exceed 1200 hours, i.e. 8 months and above.

Considering that time is of the essence, you can opt for a readymade language learning solution like Yo!Coach that is cost-effective, easy to use, and offers progressive web apps.   

The Way Forward

As discussed above, online language learning is a rising trend. So venturing into the market can be a fruitful decision. Further, you can take leading language learning platforms such as Memrise and Duolingo as references and chalk out the requirements to materialize your business idea. For any other information, get in touch with us. 

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